What’s it all about
This Substack is based on a long-standing blog called www.adventurousinvestor.com.
It’s aimed at the private investor and their advisors and is all based on my first-hand experience of investing. NOTE – many of the investment ideas I talk about here probably feature in my own portfolio.
My main focus on this SubStack is on introducing private investors to adventurous investment ideas.
What does this mean in practice? I’d identify several core themes:
- Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) both in the US and the UK. I’ll look both at the theory underlying these very popular funds as well as the constant stream of new launches. I’ll also feature some model portfolios, with a simple mix of ETFs to suit all tastes
- Alternative investment ideas. This is a deliberately wide brief but takes in everything from real asset-backed funds (property and infrastructure for instance) through to music and art…and most things in between.
- I’ll also journey on adventures overseas and look at alternative emerging and frontier countries and markets that should feature in your portfolio. From Russia to Africa and plenty of exciting places in between.
- For a UK audience I will also continue to regularly analyze and comment on the listed closed-end fund segment and investment trusts
- Last but by no means least I’ll try and make sense of the big macro stories that impact investors. I’ll also weave into this my own slightly idiosyncratic views which I’m afraid mark me out as a liberal/ social-democratic inclined centrist Dad (which is I fear sometimes seen as a tag of shame in these radicalized days)
In practical terms, my aim is to provide at least a few actionable investment ideas that might warrant further investigation and due diligence every week. As for audience, I’m anticipating an early bias towards existing UK readers and investors but I’m expressly writing content for both US and UK investors (and in fact any international investors with access to New York or London).
On a weekly basis, I’ll have three regular reports.
The Monday Macro is my roundup of interesting charts and tables that should help guide investors through the noise of modern markets. I’ll also feature my Investor Dashboard where I aggregate key measures that make sense of valuations and market sentiment.
On Wednesdays, I’ll focus more on Funds and ETFs mainly by zeroing in on a new (or old) ETF or closed fund that I like. I’ll also feature on a regular basis Stocks in my Portfolio which sort of does what it says on the tin i.e explain why I own individual stocks, usually US-based.
On Fridays, you can expect my weekly Links roundup. Again, this is self-explanatory but it’s a smorgasbord of really interesting stories I’ve seen around the internet and in my inbox that I think are worth sharing. I will also share a monthly Country Rundown, where I focus on a particular emerging or frontier market and examine how and why you should invest.
Outside of these days, you can also expect frequent reports that don’t quite fit into this schedule. For instance, I’ll try and update you on my views about new UK-listed funds and investment trusts. I’ll also share some more educational content on model portfolios, on which ETFs to buy for which broad markets, and explainers about how ETFs are put together.
About David
David Stevenson is an experienced private investor and investment columnist based in the United Kingdom. He’s been writing the Adventurous Investor column for the Financial Times for over 13 years and has also been writing for the main UK finance publication Money Week for over five years. He also writes a regular weekly column for investor news service Citywire.
David is also the author of a number of books on investing, on ETFs and alternative investing, and is also the founding editor of the leading European fintech news website www.altfi.com as well as the main source of European information on ETFs www.etfstream.com. He’s also presented at more events than he can remember and is the founder of www.futurefoodfinance.com which focuses on the AgTech and Alternative Proteins space.
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